1500W to 3000W handheld fiber laser cleaning machine

Máquina de limpieza láser de fibra portátil de 1500 W a 3000 W

La ventaja de los limpiadores láser de fibra portátiles es su respeto por el medio ambiente. A diferencia de los métodos de limpieza tradicionales que utilizan productos químicos y generan desechos peligrosos, los limpiadores láser son ecológicos, no generan desechos peligrosos y no emiten productos químicos nocivos a la atmósfera. Su diseño compacto y liviano hace que sea fácil de usar y transportar.

Las máquinas portátiles de limpieza por láser de fibra también son muy versátiles y se pueden usar ampliamente en las industrias automotriz, aeroespacial, electrónica, manufacturera y otras. Se pueden usar para limpiar diversos componentes, como bloques de motores, moldes y equipos de producción.

1500W to 3000W handheld fiber laser cleaning machine features

High Power Output

The handheld fiber laser cleaner's 1500W to 3000W power output enables it to quickly and efficiently remove even the most stubborn contaminants, making it ideal for large-scale industrial applications.

Handheld Design

The machine's handheld design makes it easy to use and operate, even in hard-to-reach areas, providing a convenient and flexible cleaning solution.


The machine can clean a variety of materials including mild steel ,stainless steel, aluminium,copper etc.making it suitable for a wide range of industries including automotive, aerospace, electronics and manufacturing.

Non-contact Cleaning

This machine adopts non-contact cleaning method, which will not damage the surface to be cleaned, and is very suitable for cleaning precision parts and materials.


Unlike traditional cleaning methods that use chemicals and generate hazardous waste, laser cleaners are environmentally friendly and do not generate hazardous waste nor emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Low Maintenance

With low maintenance requirements and no consumables, this machine is a cost-effective and hassle-free cleaning solution.

High Precision

The machine can target specific areas for precise cleaning, reducing the need for rework and minimizing the risk of damaging the material being cleaned.

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