Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Control System


Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Control System

fscut control system


The controller in a fiber laser cutting machine is a critical component that manages and coordinates all aspects of the machine's operation. It ensures that the laser cuts are precise, efficient, and meet the desired specifications. Here is a detailed overview of the key aspects of a fiber laser cutting machine controller:

1. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

  • Function: Acts as the brain of the controller, processing all commands and controlling the operation of the machine.
  • Performance: High-speed processors are used to handle complex calculations and real-time adjustments required for precise cutting.

2. User Interface (UI)

  • Display Screen: A touchscreen or monitor where operators can view and interact with the control software.
  • Control Panel: Buttons, knobs, or touch controls for inputting commands, adjusting settings, and navigating the interface.
  • Software Interface: User-friendly software that allows for programming cuts, monitoring the process, and making real-time adjustments.

3. Motion Control System

  • CNC Controller: A computer numerical control (CNC) system that translates design files (e.g., CAD/CAM files) into precise movements of the cutting head and workpiece.
  • Servo Motors and Drives: Ensure accurate and smooth movement along the X, Y, and Z axes.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Encoders and sensors provide real-time feedback to the CNC controller to correct any deviations and ensure precise positioning.

4. Laser Control Module

  • Power Control: Adjusts the laser power output according to the material and cutting requirements.
  • Pulse Modulation: Controls the frequency and duration of laser pulses, essential for achieving different cutting effects and speeds.
  • Beam Delivery System: Coordinates the direction and focus of the laser beam to ensure optimal cutting performance.

5. Material Database

  • Pre-Programmed Settings: Stores optimal cutting parameters for various materials (e.g., stainless steel, aluminum, brass).
  • Custom Settings: Allows operators to save and retrieve custom settings for specific materials or jobs.

6. Assist Gas Control

  • Gas Flow Regulation: Manages the flow rate and pressure of assist gases (oxygen, nitrogen, or air) used in the cutting process.
  • Automated Switching: Switches between different assist gases based on the material being cut and the cutting requirements.

7. Safety and Monitoring Systems

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitors the cutting process, detecting issues such as beam misalignment, obstructions, or overheating.
  • Emergency Stop: Allows for immediate shutdown of the machine in case of an emergency.
  • Alarm Systems: Alerts the operator to any anomalies or malfunctions.

8. Connectivity and Integration

  • Network Connectivity: Allows the controller to connect to local networks for file transfer, remote monitoring, and diagnostics.
  • Integration with CAD/CAM Software: Facilitates seamless import of design files and ensures accurate execution of cutting plans.

9. Diagnostics and Maintenance

  • Self-Diagnostics: The controller can perform self-checks and diagnostics to identify potential issues before they lead to machine downtime.
  • Maintenance Alerts: Provides notifications for routine maintenance tasks, such as lens cleaning, filter replacement, and system calibration.


The controller of a fiber laser cutting machine is a sophisticated system that integrates multiple components to manage the machine's operations. It ensures precision, efficiency, and safety during the cutting process. From handling user inputs and controlling the laser to managing motion and safety systems, the controller plays a crucial role in the performance of a fiber laser cutting machine. Understanding its functions and capabilities helps operators maximize the machine's potential and achieve high-quality cutting results.

II. Control System Brand


  • Overview: FANUC is a leading provider of CNC control systems known for their high precision, reliability, and advanced features.
  • Key Features: High-speed processing, advanced motion control, extensive material libraries, and robust diagnostic tools.
  • Applications: Widely used in high-end industrial applications requiring precise control and integration with other automation systems.

2. Siemens (Sinumerik)

  • Overview: Siemens Sinumerik CNC systems are renowned for their powerful performance, flexibility, and integration capabilities.
  • Key Features: Advanced path control, high-speed data processing, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless integration with CAD/CAM software.
  • Applications: Suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including metal fabrication and precision cutting.

3. Mitsubishi

  • Overview: Mitsubishi Electric provides CNC control systems known for their high accuracy, reliability, and ease of use.
  • Key Features: High-speed processing, advanced cutting algorithms, real-time monitoring, and energy-saving features.
  • Applications: Commonly used in various industrial sectors, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

4. Beckhoff

  • Overview: Beckhoff offers PC-based control systems that combine CNC functions with other automation tasks.
  • Key Features: High-speed EtherCAT communication, multi-axis control, advanced visualization, and open architecture.
  • Applications: Ideal for complex cutting tasks and integration with factory automation systems.

5. Cybelec

  • Overview: Cybelec specializes in CNC control systems for laser cutting and other sheet metal processing machines.
  • Key Features: User-friendly interfaces, extensive material databases, advanced cutting path optimization, and real-time monitoring.
  • Applications: Widely used in the sheet metal fabrication industry for precise and efficient cutting operations.

7. CypCut (FSCUT)

  • Overview: CypCut control systems by Friendess are popular for their cost-effectiveness and comprehensive features tailored for fiber laser cutting.
  • Key Features: Advanced nesting software, intuitive user interface, extensive material libraries, and efficient path planning.
  • Applications: Widely used in small to medium-sized businesses and workshops for metal cutting and engraving.

8. Precitec

  • Overview: Precitec control systems are known for their high precision and integration with advanced laser cutting heads.
  • Key Features: Real-time process monitoring, automatic focus adjustment, high-speed cutting capabilities, and user-friendly software.
  • Applications: Suitable for high-precision applications in the automotive, aerospace, and medical device industries.


These control systems are integral to the performance and efficiency of fiber laser cutting machines. Each system has its unique strengths and is chosen based on the specific needs of the application, such as precision, speed, ease of use, and integration capabilities. Selecting the right control system can significantly impact the quality and productivity of the laser cutting process.

We Qiaolian laser technology co,.ltd is a professional manufacturer of laser cutting machines.Our products include single table laser cutting machine,exchange laser cutting machinesheet & tube laser cutting machineprofessional tube laser cutting machine, large format gantry laser cutting machine etc. Laser power:6kw/12kw/15kw/20kw/30kw/40kw/60kw/80kw/100kw etc.
Our products are exported to the United States, Mexico, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, India, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan and other countries and regions.

Please contact me to get a free quote now.

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